Manage your business
Stay legally compliant
Business laws must be followed by your company. Your legal obligations are determined by the nature of your business and its location.
- For your own record keeping: internal requirements
- Keep licenses, permits and certifications up to date
- Laws and regulations
For your own record keeping: internal requirements
You must comply with all internal and external commercial requirements. Almost all of the external requirements are related to the submission of job-related documents or tax payments.
Internal commercial requirements are related to the records of your business. You will have to document the internal compliance of your registered business.
It is possible that you will need them if you decide to sell your business or if you face legal action.
Keep licenses, permits and certifications up to date
After a certain period, some businesses will need to renew their license, permit or certification. Keep these dates in your mind.
Most restaurants, for example, must renew their health and security certifications regularly.
Watersports and street vendor licenses are two other examples.
Laws and regulations
The following laws and regulations are relevant to conducting a business in Aruba:
- “Vestigingsverordening bedrijven” (Business Establishment Ordinance)
- “Legesbesluit Directie Economische Zaken, Handel en Industrie 2009” (Fees and Charges Decree Department of Economic Affairs, Commerce and Industry 2009)
- “Landsverordening Vennootschap met Beperkte Aansprakelijkheid” (National Ordinance on the Limited Liability Company)
- “Marktverordening” (Market Ordinance)
- “Prijzenverordening” (Prices Ordinance)
- “Landsverordening invoerverbod kippeëieren” (National Ordinance prohibiting the Importation of Chicken Eggs)
- “Landsverordening in- en uitvoer” (National Ordinance on Importation and Exportation)
- “Landsverordening afbetalingsovereenkomsten” (National Ordinance on Installment Contracts)
- “Landsbesluit afbetaling” (National Decree on Installment Contracts)
- “Landsverordening winkelsluiting” (National Ordinance on Trading Hours)
- “Landsverordening invoervergunning goederen” (National Ordinance on the Import License for Goods)
- “Bouw- en woningverordening” (Building and Housing Ordinance)
- “Bouw- en woningbesluit” (Building and Housing Decree)
- “Octrooiverordening” (Patent Ordinance)
- “Auteursverordening” (Copyright Ordinance)
- “Landsbesluit industriële eigendom” (National Decree on Industrial Property)
- “Merkenverordening” (Trademark Ordinance)
- “Landsverordening inkomstenbelasting” (National Ordinance on Income Tax)
- “Landsverordening loonbelasting” (National Ordinance on Wage Tax)
- “Landsverordening winstbelasting” (National Ordinance on Profit Tax)
- “Landsverordening belasting op bedrijfsomzetten” (National Ordinance on Company Turnover Tax)
- “Landsverordening tarief van invoerrechten” (National Ordinance on Import Duties Rates)
- “Landsverordening toelating, uitzetting en verwijdering” (National Ordinance on Admission, Expulsion and Removal)
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